Monthly Archives: October 2016

“Flash Mob” for Trump in Logan, Saturday Oct. 22 Noon to 1PM


Get your Proud Member of the “Basket of Deplorables” badge!

badgesStop by Hocking County Republican Headquarters for your “Basket of Deplorables” badge! Badges are $3.00 each or 2/$5.00. Other badges available include “Trump/Pence 2016,” “Trump/Pence Ohio,” and “Hillary for Prison.”

Headquarters is located at: 169 E Main St, Logan, OH 43138.

Hours are: Monday -Friday 11AM to 7PM and Saturday 10AM to 2PM.

GOP ladies raffling beautiful lap quilt!

quiltQuilt Raffle

The Hocking County Women’s Republican Club is selling raffle tickets for this beautiful lap quilt, which was hand quilted by our Vice President, Sheila McAfee. Tickets are $5.00 each and may be purchased at Republican Headquarters, 169 E. Main St., Logan. (beside the Fire Dept.)

The Tax Return Question

What If I Was Donald Trump? Stefan Molyneux answers Lester Holt’s question about Donald Trump’s tax returns – as if he was Donald Trump.

“No, I am being asked about my tax returns not because my opponent cares about what is in them, but because she desperately wants to distract you from the disasters she helped create, and the real solutions I have.”